Goodwill Industries-Knoxville is thrilled to extend an invitation to you for our 53rd Annual Meeting and Awards Breakfast, hosted by Bob Kesling, the former "Voice of the Vols," on April 30th, 2025, at The Pavilion at Hunter Valley Farm, 9133 Hunter Valley Lane, Knoxville, at 8:00 AM. Please join us in honoring our program participants who have overcome significant barriers and made inspiring progress towards self-sufficiency and career advancement.
Tickets are priced at $20 per person and include a complete breakfast. Tables of 10 are available if you’d like to bring guests who may not be familiar with Goodwill's work in the community. It’s always wonderful to share how our donors and shoppers support our neighbors through job training and career services.
Sponsorships for this event are still needed. Tickets and sponsorships can be obtained through our Marketing Department or if you need an invoice. Please contact us at 865.588.8567.
Sponsorship Opportunities:
Goodwill Advocate- $1,000
Name/Logo with website link on Goodwill’s website, displayed on Table Tent at the event, included in print material promoting the event, and table for 10 people.
Goodwill Supporter- $500
Name/Logo on Goodwill’s website, recognition on advertising print material promoting the event, and on print material on the table at the event.
Friends of Goodwill- $100
Name/Business name listed on print material on table at the event.
Thank you for your consideration and we look forward to seeing you there.