Good Prospects
Good Prospects helps assist you in reaching your goals toward achieving stability and self-sufficiency by connecting you with necessary resources and services.
Digital Skills Training & eKnox Program
Goodwill Industries - Knoxville, Inc. offers an array of virtual and in-person training programs designed to enhance the digital skills needed to compete in today’s workforce.
Job Readiness Training & Job Placement Services
The Placement program is typical offered in the following sequence: Job Readiness Training, Placement and Retention. During Job Readiness Training, individuals are assisted to self-identify barriers to employment using a Job Readiness Assessment and develop a plan for decreasing or eliminating those barriers so that employment can be obtained. Job Readiness Training sessions may occur on a one-on-one basis or in a group setting.
Pre-Employment Transition Services
The Placement program is typical offered in the following sequence: Job Readiness Training, Placement and Retention. During Job Readiness Training, individuals are assisted to self-identify barriers to employment using a Job Readiness Assessment and develop a plan for decreasing or eliminating those barriers so that employment can be obtained. Job Readiness Training sessions may occur on a one-on-one basis or in a group setting.
Supported Employment
Provides job placement assistance, job coaching, and long-term support and retention services to obtain and maintain competitive employment in the community. Individuals must be referred by the Division of Rehabilitation Services.
Adjustment for Adults
Paid opportunities for participants to gain general work-related skills valuable in any environment. This program is ideal for individuals that have never worked, have been unsuccessful in work attempts or are returning to work for the first time after acquiring a disability. Individuals must be referred by the Division of Rehabilitation Services or the Veteran’s Administration Vocational Rehabilitation.
Work Adjustment for Students
Expand general work-related skills, valuable in any environment, while meeting the requirements of his/her Individual Education Plan. Students attend as part of their school day and are transported by the school system to and from Goodwill’s training facilities.
The CNA program prepares students to sit for the Nurse Aide Training (NAT) State Certification Exam and become employed as Certified Nurse Assistants.
Certified Nurse Assistant Training
Project Overcome
Experience a 3D-immersive mock interview with an HR manager and get an individualized coaching session with a career counselor. This unique experience is based on realistic scenarios often encountered by individuals who were formerly involved with the justice system and aims help people speak comfortably about their incarceration during their job-hunting process, while also learning modern technologies in a low-risk environment.

Our Impact
1.796 individuals were served through our job training programs and employment services in 2022. This was made possible through support from our donors and our customers.